Não é nenhuma novidade que os livros têm vozes lá dentro. Algumas falam, outras cantam, outras gritam... e outras sussurram.
Neste livro, há uma voz que chama os leitores com insistência, uma voz que ora se aproxima, ora se afasta, e que parece empenhada em fazer-nos chegar a qualquer lugar.
De quem será esta voz? E onde nos levará ela?
Para o descobrirmos, teremos de atravessar uma floresta, um rio e uma tempestade e seguir as pistas deixadas pelo caminho.
No final, talvez cheguemos à conclusão de que os grandes amigos não se fazem a correr.
A confiança não se conquista num piscar de olhos e um amigo exige tempo e paciência...
Preparados para viver esta aventura?
O novo volume da Coleção de Cantos Redondos do Planeta Tangerina — a coleção que propõe livros interativos em papel, para descobrir com as mãos e com todos os sentidos.
40 páginas; 220 x 260 mm/ ISBN: 9789898145574/ PVP: 13,50 €
Já disponível na loja online e a caminho das melhores livrarias.
This book is calling you, don’t you hear?
The new volume of “Round Corners Collection” from Planeta Tangerina —
a collection that proposes interactive books in paper to explore with your hands and with all your senses.
Books have voices inside. Some voices talk, some sing, some cry... and others whisper.
In this book, there is a whispering voice that insistently calls the readers, a voice that comes near and then turns away but seems committed to take the readers somewhere.
Whose voice is this? And where will it take us?
To find out, we will have to cross a forest, a river, a storm and follow all the clues left by the wayside.
In the end, we may come to the conclusion that it takes time to make a true friend. We don’t earn trust in a flash and a friend takes time and patience.
Prepared to live this adventure?
40 pgs; 220 x 260 mm/ ISBN: 9789898145574/ PVP: 13,50 €
Available at our online shop.
40 páginas; 220 x 260 mm/ ISBN: 9789898145574/ PVP: 13,50 €
Já disponível na loja online e a caminho das melhores livrarias.
This book is calling you, don’t you hear?
The new volume of “Round Corners Collection” from Planeta Tangerina —
a collection that proposes interactive books in paper to explore with your hands and with all your senses.
Books have voices inside. Some voices talk, some sing, some cry... and others whisper.
In this book, there is a whispering voice that insistently calls the readers, a voice that comes near and then turns away but seems committed to take the readers somewhere.
Whose voice is this? And where will it take us?
To find out, we will have to cross a forest, a river, a storm and follow all the clues left by the wayside.
In the end, we may come to the conclusion that it takes time to make a true friend. We don’t earn trust in a flash and a friend takes time and patience.
Prepared to live this adventure?
40 pgs; 220 x 260 mm/ ISBN: 9789898145574/ PVP: 13,50 €
Available at our online shop.
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