terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2017

“The Endfixer” by Noemi Vola (Italy) is the big winner of Serpa Prize (2nd edition)

For this 2nd edition of the International Serpa Picturebook Prize, the jury has selected “The Endfixer” by Noemi Vola (Italy) as the winner. Additionally, three other entries have also been given honorable mentions: “Picnic”, by Maria Ramos Bravo (Spain); “Boleia” (Ride), by Guilherme Frederico Karsten (Brazil) and “An Ideal Zoo”, by “Yiting Lee” (Taiwan).

The jury’s quality standards were set on finding a “striking artwork and a good story”. The jury found that “some submissions had strong artwork but a weak story and others had a great story but the artwork would have been unable to carry it.”
“The strength of a picturebook often comes down to how tightly it is edited. It takes a long time to eek out and craft a very good story. We would have been very surprised if we found in the submissions a manuscript that was fit for publishing as it is right there and then without the skills of an editor, so what we were looking for was a great premise and story that could eventually be developed into a good book with some editing.”

This year’s winner has been recognised for the originality and strong potential of its story and illustration: “Our chosen project, “The End Fixer,” is a very original story. It features a quite idealistic narrator of the story explaining his/her dissatisfaction with the endings of stories. He/she waxes lyrical about the unlimited possibilities of stories, but, meanwhile, along comes some behind-the-scenes staff who are more pragmatic and are just trying to end the story.
There is a strong dynamic, there is tension around the ending, where two sides are arguing over the nature of the ending and there is opportunity for a narrative twist on every page leading to the end. It is original, funny and has strong potential. The artwork too is very strong and we were sure that this is a very competent illustrator.”

One of our favourite things about the medium of picture books is that there can be a tension or miss-match between image and text. The text says one thing but the pictures say another. We think this makes a very strong picture book and children especially love the humour that comes from this. This story makes use of this very well and with a little editing has the potential to crank this up a few notches.” 

While going through all the projects, they found a number of good quality submissions that could not go unnoticed. In regards to the honorable mentions, the jury adds: “We chose to highlight a few other projects because they all caught our eye and we felt they also could also make strong books. We also wanted to encourage these author-illustrators who narrowly missed out on the prize this time.”

The jury of this second edition included Chris Haughton, author/illustrator; Bernardo P. Carvalho, in representation of the publisher Planeta Tangerina; and Paula Estorninho, representing the Serpa Municipality.

The winning author of the Serpa Prize will finalize the book in close collaboration with Planeta Tangerina. “The Endfixer” will be part of Planeta Tangerina’s catalogue and will be released by May 2018.

Congratulation to the awarded authors and thank you to all participants!

Semana dos Kits imperdíveis!

Declaramos aberta a semana dos kits imperdíveis!
Uma oportunidade única para quem quer completar a coleção ou antecipar presentes de aniversário e de Natal.

Este ano, para além do “Leve 3, pague 2!”, criámos um muito convidativo “Leve 4, pague 2!”.

Espreitem já os kits disponíveis e façam as vossas encomendas. A semana abre hoje e fecha já na próxima sexta-feira.



The week of packs you can’t miss is now officially open!
This is a unique opportunity for those who want to fill in the gaps within their book collections, or sort out early birthday or Christmas presents.

This year, aside from our “3 for 2” deal, we also have an appealing “4 for 2!” deal.

Take a look at our available deals and order now. This promotion is starting today and runs only until next Friday.

NOVIDADE: Cem sementes que voaram

Cem sementes que voaram

Uma árvore está à espera, esperançosa…
O que espera ela?
O dia ideal para lançar as sementes.
O dia certo, o dia tal.
O dia chega, mas a aventura ainda só está a começar…
Porque, se nos pusermos a fazer contas, das cem sementes que voaram, quantas cairão em bom solo? Quantas serão comidas por pássaros? Quantas acabarão no fundo de um rio? Quantas se transformarão, finalmente, numa árvore adulta?

Neste livro, fazemos contas, sem nunca perder a esperança. Mesmo que a história nos traga aquilo que parece ser uma infinita conta de subtrair!

Um livro que traz a floresta para o centro das atenções, celebrando a resistência das sementes e a inteligência das árvores e da natureza.
Para leitores de todas as idades.

Já disponível na nossa loja online: https://www.planetatangerina.com/pt/livros/cem-sementes-que-voaram

terça-feira, 24 de outubro de 2017

Passatempo Desenho Livre

Esta semana vamos oferecer 5 exemplares do livro “Desenho Livre”, de Andrés Sandoval.

A proposta é a seguinte: os queridos leitores devem reunir alguns objetos que formem uma bela coleção de cores e partilhar connosco essa imagem através de uma fotografia.

Andrés Sandoval, o autor de “Desenho Livre” escolherá as 5 melhores imagens.

Regras gerais:
O n.º de objetos é à escolha, as cores também. Podem ser objetos de apenas uma cor, objetos da mesma cor com tons diferentes, objetos de cores variadas: frias, quentes, mornas, novas ou antigas, pálidas ou vibrantes, luminosas, opacas, doces, violentas, fluorescentes ou discretas... mostrem-nas!

As fotos devem ser enviadas para: shop@planetatangerina.com, até ao dia 31/10/2017, junto com os dados do participante (nome, idade).

Cada fotografia não deve exceder os 3 MG.
Cada participante pode participar com apenas uma fotografia.


Desenho Livre Giveaway
During this week we will be giving away 5 “Desenho Livre” (“Free Drawing”) books, by Andrés Sandoval.

Here’s what you have to do: take a photo of a group of objects arranged in a beautiful colour composition and share that picture with us.

Andrés Sandoval, the author of “Desenho Livre”, will be choosing the 5 best compositions.

Submission guidelines:
Choose as many objects and colours as you like. They can be all of the same colour, or different tones, or different hues: cold colours, warm colours, new or old, pale or vibrant, bright, opaque, sweet, harsh, neon or discrete... go ahead and show them off!

Send your photo to shop@planetatangerina.com, until the 31st of October, together with your name and age.

Each file should be less than 3MB. Only one photo per submission.



Muito brevemente numa livraria perto de si...

segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2017

"Desenho livre"

O Leo já começou a desenhar. E vocês?

(Obrigado ao Leo e à Mariana por nos terem enviado estes desenhos mesmo lindos e livres!)

"Mary John" selecionada para o catálogo White Ravens 2017!

A nossa "Mary John" foi selecionada para o catálogo White Ravens 2017! E vejam bem o que o comité de leitura diz sobre este livro e sobre a escrita de Ana Pessoa:

In contemporary Portuguese young adult literature, the novels of Ana Pessoa (b. 1982) take up an exceptional place. The author is masterfully adept at describing the cosmos of maturing teens, with its challenges and dramas, turbulences, moments of happiness, disappointments, and catastrophes.

E continua, assim:

She writes in an authentic language that captures the protagonists’ sense of life and closely orients itself to their pulse. In an astonishing way, her newest book does all this and more. “Mary John” sets itself apart from the author’s previous novels by its even more coherent storytelling, its undisguised, intense language, and the deep insight it offers into the emotional world of the protagonist and first-person narrator. Maria João, called Mary John, writes a single, long letter to Júlio “Pirata”, her first, unrequited love. She openly writes of friendship, longing, desire, and sexuality and the painful process of dealing with feelings such as rejection and loneliness.

segunda-feira, 2 de outubro de 2017

Já chegou o "Desenho livre"!

Já chegou o "Desenho Livre"!

"Desenho Livre" parece mesmo um livro para colorir (e ninguém diz que não é...) mas aqui o desenho é livre e não é obrigatório desatar logo a pintar.

O que o leitor não pode perder é este passeio pelo mundo do desenho e da cor, das plantas e dos pigmentos, dos pontos e das linhas, da luz e da sombra.

Com os seus pensamentos desenhados e os seus movimentos que riscam, o menino-lápis já nos espera!

PS: recomenda-se aos leitores que tenham à mão canetas, lápis ou pincéis. É provável que, ao longo deste passeio, cresça a vontade de pintar e desenhar.

Já disponível na nossa loja online → https://www.planetatangerina.com/pt/loja/livros/desenho-livre

domingo, 1 de outubro de 2017

Desenho livre

Com as velocidades estonteantes que o mundo está a atingir, quase apetece dizer que o desenho deveria ser uma paragem obrigatória!

Já falta pouco para chegar o "Desenho livre"!
Animação by Andrés Sandoval.